Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

Reconciling fertility & manifestation

In a tantalizing world of “believe it, think it, have it” mentalities, the heartbreaking reality of many fertility journeys can seem at odds with this new age thinking.

I’m certainly not a spiritual expert or guide, but I believe there is more than meets the eye in our incredible universe.

Here is my personal understanding of how mindset & attraction play a role in designing our fertility health.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

Ancient wisdom in today’s fertility research

I believe in the utility of modern scientific literature, as well as respect for the thousands of years of ancient wisdom that aren’t as represented in the pages of PubMed. Yet it is so gratifying to see peer-reviewed research that does actually support ancient remedies.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

My blood on (and off) the pill

Look inside of 3 years worth of my blood test history of key markers that evidence shows can be impacted by the birth control pill, and what happens to them when I came off of it.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

5 surprising things to do before baby

If you’re thinking you might want kids one day, and it’s too soon to start trying but the perfect time to start learning…you’ve come to the right place! Here are 5 surprising to-do’s in the preconception period to set yourself up for success.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

Wondering if a Modern Fertility test is worth it?

At-home testing services can be a good option for those looking for direction while starting their fertility journey. This is the evidence and advice I would give my closest friends if they asked me this question.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

A better ovulation education

Most of us know the basics of ovulation, but that common knowledge barely scratches the surface. I’ve learned a few things along the way that made my jaw drop. I’d love to share these critical findings with all of you.

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Michelle Cawley Michelle Cawley

5 fertility “must-knows”

Nutrition and wellness are notoriously gray areas. But when it comes to our reproductive health and the vitality of our future families, there are a few things this scientist would like to set the record straight on.

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