Reconciling fertility & manifestation

In a tantalizing world of “believe it, think it, have it” mentalities, the heartbreaking reality of many fertility journeys can seem at odds with this new age thinking.

I’m certainly not a spiritual expert or guide, but I believe there is more than meets the eye in our incredible universe. So here is my personal understanding of how mindset & attraction play a role in designing our fertility health.

Can you manifest a pregnancy and healthy fertility experience?

Bear with me on this: no and yes.

No: because of what is called a “soul contract.”

A "soul contract” extends beyond the power of human intention and manifestation. Birth and death timelines cannot be manipulated by us sending out certain vibrations or hoping for a specific outcome. We are incredibly powerful human beings, and our intentions are potent as ever, but we cannot directly influence birth or death in that way.

This is also why if you’re manifesting money (a very common application of these principles), coming into an inheritance does not mean you caused someone to pass for the sake of coming into that money. Rather, that soul was on its own timeline and the abundance happened to flow to you as you became a match for it.

Yes: because your true desires are a compass, and will never lead you astray.

If you desire something (like being a parent), it is destined for you.

Now, it’s important to note the things we want might not happen in the EXACT way we think they will. Only when we limit ourselves to what we truly want by believing it can’t happen and turning off our power do we not experience what we desire.

But know that your ideal outcome is a North Star, and when your energy gets aligned (by you believing it’s possible for you, no matter how it happens), you are a magnet for that exact outcome.

Also, manifesting vibrant health is totally a thing.

If you ask me, “manifestation” is really just another term for “identity work.” The way it works is you see the outcome you wish to have (in this case: health), and you feel what it would be like to achieve your healthiest self while also embodying the version of you that already has optimal health.

Say your healthiest self has more lean muscle, radiant skin, long strong hair, and is 5 lbs lighter. Think about what their day might look like. Do they get up an hour earlier, go for a daily walk, make a smoothie, or cook dinner at home more often?

Feeling what it would be like to have it now and acting “as if” is what causes subconscious reprogramming that affects your mindset and habits to collapse time between you today and your ideal reality. Manifestation is quite boringly scientific, when you think about it that way. ;)

We need to lean into relaxed receptivity, and loosen our grip.

We all know how control feels. And why wouldn’t we?! We control so much in our lives, and are even encouraged to do so: the grades we got, the schools we attended, the jobs we have, who our friends are, who our partners are, our schedules, our bank accounts — I could go on and on. Plus, it feels very satisfying when we see the rewards of our stubborn efforts.

Cut to starting a fertility journey - where everything can feel wildly outside of our control. And when we think about it… a lot of it is.

It’s an act of creation, an invitation of a new soul and being into the world.

But we don’t like not being in control; it makes us grip tightly, constrict, stress, and worry. The problem with that energy is it’s restrictive, feels icky, and takes us out of our power. The magic lies in a state of relaxed receptivity, while putting in daily action that gets you even 1% closer to your ideal outcome.

And no, this is not advice to “just relax.”

I would never tell you to “just relax.’ Yet I will always gently remind you that your power lies in the things you can control. Ruminating on what can go wrong is definitely not where we are most in our power. Either you bring about more chaos, or more peace - it is entirely dictated by how you’re feeling at a given time.

And the good news is, there is so much we can control.

We can control our health, our daily movement, our nutrition, our sleep habits, what we learn, and when we learn it.

We control our mindset, our vibration, our expectations and the “rules of life” we live by.

Then, the universe has no other option but to get on board.

All this not only sets us up for practical success, but ALSO works with the elements of manifestation by signaling to the Universe:

“I am ready.

I am prepared

I am taking action to best support myself.

I am confident that I have done my part, now do yours!”

I live by this, which means I teach this way. I understand the delicate balance at play between the cosmic creation of life and staying in our human power to set ourself up for utmost health and happiness.

And it’s my ultimate goal to help you align your health, your expectations, your beliefs, and your relationship with your fertility to secure your healthiest future and fertility outcomes.

If your ready to send that first signal into the universe…

Start today by replacing fertility anxiety with embodied fertility wisdom.

I’ve created an 18-page guide that will take you through every aspect of life with the biggest impact on fertility health.

No matter where you are in your reproductive health timeline, you can’t have your best health without supported fertility.

A clear path to better odds starts here.

Written by Michelle Cawley, MS. 2/19/24

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Ancient wisdom in today’s fertility research