Hi there,

I’m Michelle. A nutrition scientist on a mission.

My drive for creating this space comes from realizing that after bachelors and masters degrees in human biology and nutrition - I still felt overwhelmed and absolutely clueless about my own fertility.

I started to do tons of my own research. But while I was reading prenatal books, going to fertility webinars, and even getting certified as a prenatal nutrition coach…I felt a bit ridiculous. Like an imposter, too eager, and so extra to even be consuming this content when for me, kids (if any) were years away.

But then I reframed it. Wasn’t this actually the perfect time for me to know all this?  What better time to get deeply acquainted with my reproductive health, take the best evidence-based action to improve it, and be knowledgeable about all my options? To not have to look back and say “I really wish I knew about this earlier!”?

I believe in investing the time now to stack the deck in our favor so one day, we can increase our chances of an easy and healthy conception and a happily confident pregnancy (if we so choose), and to help our family and friends have the same.

WTT is a double acronym - both a nod to the wonderful “Waiting to Try” for a baby community, and my own adaptation for “Women Thriving Together.” Your own vibrant health is your birthright, and a wonderful byproduct of your best health is the health of your future babies. I’d be humbled for you to join me on this journey of healing, self-improvement, and advocacy for women’s health.